The Beauty of Boundaries with Brigid Dineen

Brigid Dineen is a Resilience Coach for Women on a Mission. Through her one-on-one coaching, online courses, workshops, she helps women learn how to say no without feeling guilty so they can reclaim their time, energy and peace of mind. Brigid believes in a world where wellbeing comes first. She draws from her extensive background in yoga, meditation, coaching and fitness to help her clients embrace self-care and cultivate healthy boundaries so life can feel as good as it looks.  Brigid is also the host of the podcast Guts & Grace: How to Create Space for YourSELF in a World That Would Rather You'd Stay Small.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Brigid Dineen.

  • Brigid shares why and how boundaries became the thing she is most passionate about.

  • The slow awakening of women putting themselves on their own priority list.

  • We can be dissatisfied and we can complain -- dissatisfaction is what leads in the direction of our desires, but complaining typically means we’re not taking any action to fix that dissatisfaction.

  • Any time you go after a desire you must have create boundaries around that desire.

  • Brigid shares how calling off her first engagement began the process of learning how to set boundaries in her life.

  • Women have a heart of service, so they feel selfish when they try to do things for themselves. Kelly and Brigid discuss how to break down this wall.

  • Kelly shares a very important PSA.

  • If you’re going to make yourself a priority, you need to start with baby steps - Brigid shares how to start.

  • You must consider your starting point. Your baby steps may look different than the woman’s next to you.

  • Brigid describes what setting a real and healthy boundary looks like.

  • When making decisions for yourself you must listen to your Inner Voice. Try the decision on and sense how it feels.

  • Brigid shares the quote, "Make the little decisions with your head, and the big ones with your heart."

  • Making choices, and pursuing goals from a purely logic based place versus actually listening to your deeper desires.

  • Brigid shares a story of essentially turning down an amazing opportunity because of what she thought was guilt.

  • Brigid’s practice of tuning into her desires.

  • Physical activity can help you connect to your desires faster.

  • Giving yourself permission to make mistakes and to possibly fail.

  • Brigid shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Brigid’s Voice:

“The key to boundaries is being able to distinguish what is our responsibility versus someone else's responsibility. Not trying to micromanage somebody else's reaction to our desires for instance.”

“Over the years, there has been a slow awakening about what life can look like when we decide to put ourselves on the priority list, and actually stand in our power."

“Whether you're a mother, a partner, or even in the workplace very often there can be some gendered implications for what types of roles women play.”

“I am worthy of shifting a dynamic in my relationship.”

“Tapping into my own desires, insisting on pursuing things that resonated with me, and using my own resources to do it was the thing that made it so that I moved on from my ex.”

“Once you start taking baby steps, then the path will reveal itself. You don't need to have it all figured out. You don't need to blow up your life.”

“If your calendar is not your own, if your resources don't feel like they're available to you, for things that matter to you, then it's worth taking a closer look at what areas in your life you might be able to take some baby steps there.”

“If I could trust that everybody was going to support me, and nothing would blow up, what would I really want to do?"

“The more that people do physical activity, the more they just inherently take better care of themselves in other parts of their lives as well.”

“Making mistakes can feel painful, but it's absolutely essential if we're going to get to the fulfillment that we so deeply desire in our lives.”

Connect with Brigid:

Brigid’s Website

Brigid’s Podcast

Lighten Your Load (Free PDF download)



What To Do If You Don't Know Your Purpose

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I recently got a question on Instagram from someone asking, "What do I do if I don't know what my purpose is?"

This is a super real question worth diving into, and that's exactly what I do in this solo episode. Part inspiration and part practical action that will help you discover what your true passion and purpose is so you can begin changing the world!

Awaken Your Inner Rebel with Shereen Thor

SHEREEN THOR is a host, author, rebel, movement starter, and serial artistpreneur who lives life on her terms and helps others do the same. Between her quirky comedic style and her in your face ability to catalyze others into empowerment; she can’t be ignored.

Her career first started in stand up comedy where just after two short years of being in the game she was quickly getting scouted by the likes of MTV, VH1 and E!. While making people laugh was fun it wasn’t fully fulfilling. She was an inspiration junkie, obsessed with human behavior and what makes people tick, so while making people laugh she worked on getting certifications in NLP and as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) to cultivate her ability to change lives for the better.

She found a way to fuse her comedic skills with her desire to inspire and became a host on the Oprah Winfrey Recap Show on Afterbuzz TV. She was then picked up as a host and producer on an international network CSAT TV where she pioneered The Shereen Show to discuss topics like life, love, passion, and emotional health on an international network. She then went on to found AWAKEN THE REBEL, a movement that helps people stop settling for less and live an extraordinary life by their design. She wanted to take the power and efficacy of Tony Robbins and mix it with an edgy MTV feel so that it could capture the attention of those who think they are too cool for school. In her words, “AWAKEN THE REBEL is the gateway drug to the world of personal development.”

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Shereen shares what she means when she says inner rebel.

  • Shereen’s message is to all the reformed good girls out there, “It’s time to listen to your inner bad girl.”

  • Shereen’s first big awakening came when she realized she’d adhered to her mother’s expectations.

  • Despite having “everything” Shereen wasn’t fully happy with her life the way it was.

  • A self-help seminar is when Shereen’s views on things turned around.

  • What “Good Girl Syndrome” means to Kelly and Shereen and how it affects others.

  • Kelly shares her story of being a rebel, but also being sure to have good girl tendencies.

  • How parents react to their children’s choices and how they fear for their success.

  • In the past, Kelly has felt that people would like her more if she was good.

  • The ladies discuss the feeling of being abandoned and needing to feel loved.

  • Shereen describes how you can pick back up the pieces after they’ve been abandoned.

  • Morning Pages

  • The Artist’s Way and the self-destructive patterns that often look honorable to the outside world, but it is really crushing your soul.

  • Shereen shares how we all begin to change the meaning of selfish.

  • How to nurture your inner rebel.

  • Once you ask for what you want, the Universe begins to work to bring it to you.

  • How women can nurture and care for themselves.

  • Kelly asks Shereen what her Inner Voice is asking of her today.

In Shereen’s Voice:

“My work is to support people in awakening the rebel, get in touch with that little hottie in there. See what she really wants.”

“Following your truth is actually going to look rebellious or disrespectful.”

“I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm going to fully choose to show up in the world as the truth of me, and sometimes that might hurt, but I can take a bullet.”

“I learned a pattern of abandoning myself in an effort to please others.”

“We need the belonging, we need the love and we also need to feel loved for who we actually are.”

“The same way the frog dies a slow death, he doesn't realize that the water is slowly coming to a boil and then dies, I think the same can happen with the awakening. I think you can do a slow awakening where you're not shocking yourself like maniac.”

“Women need to learn to self advocate for their spirit, for their soul, for themselves.”

“Let it be okay that some people are going to be disappointed and just let it be okay that you're not there for everyone else. Just let it be okay for you to be selfish for a moment.”

“We've been socialized to feel bad for being selfish because our role and our value comes from giving and loving and care for everyone else, and that's beautiful.”

“If you are selfish you are also giving. You can't be one without the other.” ~ Kelly Covert

“Your work is to make sure you do not abandon yourself.”

Connect with Shereen:

Shereen’s Website

Shereen’s Podcast




The Art of Surrender with Miranda Sophia

Teacher, facilitator, writer, mentor and change agent, Miranda Sophia is passionate about marrying science and spirituality together. She has a love affair with the wisdom and language of the body and its ability to heal past wounds and reprogram limiting belief systems, as she journeys through her own healing. She believes deeply in the power of women coming together, creating meaningful relationships, weaving a support net of sisterhood, and lifting one another to their highest potentials. Perhaps more importantly, she feels that the magic and power is really found in each individual woman learning how to be sovereign and autonomous, how to be with herself fully, how to have her own back and to know the necessity of her voice in this world.

Miranda Sophia currently facilitates women’s healing & empowerment retreats, bi-monthly women’s circles, offers one-on-one Divine Human Embodiment Mentorship, online group education and exploration, and teaches Chakra Balancing yoga, yoga nidra & meditation classes. Her first book, Her Art of Surrender, which is co-authored with 19 other women from around the world, will be published in fall 2018. Miranda channels her creative flow through writing and handcrafting vibrationally attuned + intention infused malas. She also is passionate about Young Living Essential Oils, their healing power on the mind, body and spirit, and growing her YL team towards financial abundance and freedom.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Miranda Sophia.

  • Miranda’s truest form of surrender came in the form of a meltdown at a chakra therapy training.

  • Miranda’s meltdown.

  • The ladies discuss why many of us resist moving through our emotions.

  • The regulation cycle and how it affects our emotions.

  • Instead of being full with our self, we look to outside things to fill us up.

  • The word crazy, and how we’re all a little nuts.

  • When you step into your craziness, it can be one of the most liberating moments.

  • Shame and feeling like we’re inately bad.

  • We must stop spiritually bypassing ourselves, and actually work through the things affecting us.

  • Our nervous system can act like a wire that is frayed, and our a-ha moments become the bridge to reconnect things.

  • All of our stories have 3 Acts.

  • Your Inner Voice doesn’t have to be mean, there is a kind Inner Voice inside of you.

  • Having a daily practice can help you feel more connected when you wake up feeling off.

  • Morning pages and journaling and how these can be effective ways to move clear out your head when it is feeling cluttered.

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Kelly gets raw and honest and shares her fear around being considered lazy.

  • Our Inner Voice can be mean, but it exists to protect us - we must find a way to build an intimate relationship with it.

  • Miranda shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Miranda’s Voice:

“Our body, it's a wave. It's a wave that rises up and then it discharges and then it comes back down. That's the natural cycle of our nervous system. That's called regulation in the somatic world.”

“We go outside of ourselves to hold on to things, people. We reach outside to fill ourselves with the foods, or the drugs, or the social media, or the whatever that hit is to temporarily numb that sensation.”

“When we have a dysregulated nervous system or when we have this abundance of charge or we have this lack of boundary and sense of where we begin, where we end, that is what creates a sensitive person and an empath.”

"Holy, fuck. We are all crazy. We are all batshit nuts, and we are all literally just dying our way through life, suffering our way through life trying to prove to somebody, to ourselves that's not true."

“Shame has the underlying story that there's something wrong with me. If we feel like there's something wrong with me or that I'm innately bad.”

“We say that babies are born pure, but we're born into a specific story already, that may not show right when we are born, but it will unfold.”

“Getting movement and fluidity and softness back into my body, because for me, when I'm in that rigid state, I'm in that, "Don't see me state."”

“Learning to have this really intimate relationship with our thoughts, with our sensations, with our feelings, and letting them guide us to where it is that we are needing to go, where we're meant to go, where we are being called to go.”

“We are so in our infancy of understanding how to be human, how this world works, how to interact with ourselves and others and have mastery over ourselves. We have this source that is infused in all of us that is just so unconditionally in awe of us.”

Connect with Miranda:


Miranda’s Website

Miranda’s Book - Her Art of Surrender



Your Soul's Purpose with Jennifer Longmore

Jennifer Longmore, North America’s Soul Purpose Expert, internationally acclaimed host of “Soul Purpose Central,” and 3-time best selling author, is world-renowned for her laser like clarity in seeing into the depths of your soul and bridging your connection to universal consciousness.

For more than 15 years, she has served clients in permanently shifting the limiting beliefs and patterns that prevent them from being who they really are so that they can live their most abundant, aligned, and accelerated soul’s journey. With over 30,000 soul purpose sessions, including the who’s-who of actors, professional athletes, CEO’s of leading companies, and other influential luminaries, Jennifer continues to offer these high-level sessions to souls who are really committed to shining their light.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Jennifer Longmore.

  • Jennifer shares how she got to where she is now with her soul’s journey.

  • It can be a struggle to be claircognizant in school, because not everyone understands.

  • Jennifer shares her journey to acceptance, after trying to shut the thoughts and feelings down.

  • The Akashic Record

  • Our soul’s calling - and is this our soul’s achievement or what we should be doing with our life.

  • Free questions to uncover your soul’s calling

  • Overcoming the fear around our soul’s purpose.

  • We used extremely charged words to describe fears that are often just an illusion.

  • Kelly and Jennifer discuss the fear associated with performance and how it relates to our fears around our soul’s calling.

  • More tips on how to clear out this fear and actually show up for our audience (in whatever way fits your needs)

  • Stop stuffing who you are down, let yourself shine.

  • We are not meant to resonate with everyone, but we are meant to resonate with ourselves.

  • The book: Four Agreements

  • How to handle it when you do not resonate with yourself, or you feel a way you don’t like.

  • Jennifer shares how she gets back into alignment.

  • Focus on who you want to be, and how you want to be remembered.

  • Jennifer shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Jennifer’s Voice:

“I feel like for those of us that are claircognizant, we may struggle a little bit more with expressing ourselves because we're aware that what we say a lot of times makes people feel uncomfortable, and we're not even sure why.”

“The Akashic Records are basically your soul's blueprint, your soul's path in this lifetime, so everyone you're meant to meet and the parents you choose. Give you all of the learning that you needed and what you're here to master and what you're here to share, all of that is built into your chart."

“Our purpose is to receive wisdom from other people, and in doing so in that exchange of energy, almost like an infinity symbol, we send that information back to the universe, and the universe evolves as we evolve, so then we each have our own imprint.”

“Unless there's an actual risk to our safety, our fear monger, our monkey mind is really just trying to keep us small because our ego's designed to protect us, and our soul's designed to help us feel expansive, so anytime we're not facing a real fear, and by that I mean a legitimate, I've got a fight or flight sort of moment, then we know that's illusion.”

“The cool thing is is that because we're always going to be too much or not enough for people, we're not gonna win either way, and it really isn't a game anyways, so let's just be ourselves."

“We just always do our best, and our best is going to change from day to day, but as long as I feel like I've done my best in each moment, then that allows me to feel like I'm resonating with the essence of who I really am.”

“When I focus on who I want to be and how I want to be remembered, that can really help me shift.”

Connect with Jennifer:


Jennifer’s Website

Uncover Your Soul’s Calling

The Purpose Posse (Jennifer’s Facebook Group)




How to Fight Negative Thoughts

Let's face it...negative thoughts happen. It's not a matter of if, but when. So when they do come up, you better have a game plan for fighting them so you can stay aligned with what your heart truly wants for you!

If you struggle with finding clarity of your own desires through listening to your inner voice, why not experience a discovery call with me? It's completely free. Just me and you on the phone, talking about where you are and where you would most like to be! Sign up for one here.

Reactivating the Real You with Lara Dalch

Lara Dalch is a personal development and lifestyle coach to "women on the rise" who want more out of work, life, and body. She helps women bring the focus back to mind and body to form new habits that allow them to reclaim their health, happiness, and power – so they can make lasting changes and achieve their big dreams, in business and in life.

Lara is a contributor to health and wellness website MindBodyGreen and has been featured by Refinery29, Town & Country, Elephant Journal, the University of Virginia, and the University of California, Berkeley. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Virginia, is a Certified Pilates Instructor and received her training to practice health coaching via the State University of New York and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Lara Dalch.

  • Lara shares what reactivating the Real You means to her.

  • How Lara came to begin her journey to reactivating herself.

  • The ladies discuss what to look for when it’s time to reboot yourself.

  • Big life transitions often predicate the need for big changes.

  • Not all changes have to do with wanting to look different.

  • Rather than weight loss, you should be looking at food, physical activities, relatinships and stress management to determine if you need a change.

  • Most successful leaders prioritize mind, body and health.

  • The best place to start is by listening to your physical body and how it feels with different foods, or different experiences.

  • Lara shares how to get started with some great baby steps. Ie. The breakfast experiment.

  • Meditation is effective, and it doesn’t have to be the formal meditation you’re used to hearing about (Lara explains).

  • Mindful eating, and only eating a table.

  • The ladies discuss the different stories we tell our bodies. (ie. all or nothing)

  • The trick to setting goals is to make them inspiring and achievable.

  • If you can do nothing else, get your sleep sorted, then add in leafy greens.

  • Vibrant health playbook - It’s your personal road map to feeling like your real self, and understanding why you want what you want.

  • Many people have the identify illusion, where they have this image of what the ideal person looks like or does.

  • Build up trust with your intuition.

  • Five Days Of Journaling For Visionary Women

  • Kelly asks Lara what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Lara’s Voice:

“Women on the Rise. They’re all very high achieving women in some part of their life and in all parts of their life. They feel that they’ve lost touch of this sort of vibrant powerful version of themselves; which I would call, the real them.”

“As I started changing the food on my plate and the way that I was moving my body and just thinking about taking care of myself, everything changed.”

“Someone is ready for a reboot or not feeling like they can achieve whatever they’ve set out to achieve is that they tend to be in this chaotic mind state. And I don’t mean that in the kind of pathological sort of way, but they feel disorganized, anxious, tired, lazy, frazzled and lack in confidence”

“If you’re not looking at things like food, physical activities, relationships, career, stress management - if you’re not looking at all of those things, just changing your food is not gonna make any difference.”

“When you look at the most successful leaders, whether they’re entrepreneurs in the leadership space, they all prioritize mind, body and health.”

“Start connecting your mood to the food choices that you make, for example, which is not something to think about. Your mood, your energy level.”

“Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting on a cushion in the middle of a yoga studio, ohming. It can be a very practical day-to-day thing. It can be as simple as picking something to notice throughout the day.”

“Unconscious stories are what we tell ourselves about being healthy and taking care of our bodies. All or nothing is one of those stories. It’s a very common, unconscious story that afflicts high achieving women, to a larger degree, that I call the all or nothing trap. And it’s tied to perfectionism.”

Connect with Lara:

Lara’s Website

Vibrant Health Playbook

Lara’s Podcast

Lara’s Workshop



The Who-Am-I Syndrome

Who am I to...

  • change the world
  • lead others
  • rise up
  • dream big
  • become an expert
  • SHINE brightly

Who are you NOT to? A dive into what I call the Who-Am-I Syndrome and why it is dangerously holding us back.

Love In Her Voice? You can support more episodes like this by purchasing any Beautycounter products through this link! Not interested in Beautycounter but still want to help keep the podcast going? Become a supporter through my Patreon page!

Honoring Your Sensitivity with Marian Buck-Murray

Marian Buck-Murray is a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner who specializes inhelping sensitive, heart-centered, creative people boost courage, confidence and self-love. She is the creator of the 3-Step Tame Your Inner Critic with EFT method, and The Sensitivity is Your Superpower Program.

With an emphasis on holistic methods, Marian successfully overcame decades of autoimmune illness, cardiac surgery, traumatic stress, and limiting self-doubt. Inspired by her transformational experience she was guided to assist others in their own transformations.

A sensitive empath herself, Marian learned how to manage and embrace her sensitivity, so she could use it as her personal superpower. She is passionate about sharing her tool-box of self-help techniques with clients and students who struggle with sensitivity.

In addition to her EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practice, Marian is a speaker, author,and faculty member at the Academy of Healing Nutrition. She is the creator and host of the podcast Courageous Heartbeats.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Marian.

  • Marian shares that many people feel and look at sensitivity as a negative thing.

  • What Marian means by sensitivity.

  • Only 20% of the population is highly sensitive.

  • Marian shares her path to discovering that she is a highly sensitive person.

  • The different struggles a highly sensitive person can experience, and then they discuss the benefits as well.

  • You can strengthen your intuition and your sensitivity by clearing the toxins and releasing what’s holding you back.

  • “Allow our intuition” - the ladies discuss how powerful this phrase is.

  • You have to open yourself up to the bigger feelings.

  • Kelly and Marian discuss the things that can get in the way of diving deeper into your sensitivity and intuition.

  • Calling your journey a practice takes the pressure off of you to feel like things need to be perfect.

  • Clearing and the details of how to do it and why it’s so important.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique and how to use it in your practice.

  • It’s time to think of our sensitivity as a strength!

  • When we let go of perfectionism, it allows us to be who were meant to be and it changes everything.

  • Marian shares what her Inner Voice is telling her.

In Marian’s Voice:

“20% of the population is what you might call highly sensitive. Sensitivity is when you're in a room and you're feeling what other people are feeling or picking up on just different things.”

“I received a download of the reason why I kept getting sick. Then, I just got this download of all these metaphors that each illness had a very clear metaphor for what had happened to me in my life and how I needed to heal.”

“The control of is the difference I think between being in your head and being in your heart. When you're in your heart there's an allowing there. It is hard to let go of control.”

“What you do need to clear and get clear about is what’s in the way of your peace of mind, of your happiness.”

“When people begin to stand up in their sensitivity as a strength, it then becomes something that is way more powerful as opposed to hiding it and acting like it’s unimportant.”

“When we let go of the perfectionism of trying to be something that we're not or trying to be more like something that we think we should be like and just allow ourselves to be who we are, it changes everything.”

Connect with Marian:

Marian’s Website




What Comes After You Say Yes?

We talk a lot about saying no. Saying no to things that don't serve us. Saying no to things we think we "should" do but really don't want to do. Saying no to things that will drain our energy.

But how often do we talk about what happens when we say YES to our inner voice? Listen in on this solo episode as I dive into what happens AFTER the yes! It might not necessarily be what you think!

If you are struggling with saying yes to your inner voice or you've said yes, but feel stuck in the aftermath of that, reach out and schedule a discovery call! We can talk about what it would take to get your dreams out into the world! Remember you don't have to do it all on your own!

Self-Healing Through Deep Listening with Lane Kennedy

With more than 20 years experience in biohacking for health, while living in long-term recovery from alcoholism, Lane Kennedy brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for helping others find bio-individualized wellness. Since conquering her own health problems (an immunity syndrome) and chronic pain (with the help of cannabidiol), she’s become a tireless advocate for anyone struggling or stressed and looking for revolutionary solutions. Lane is a graduate of Dave Asprey’s certification program that helps you learn how to teach others to optimize their own biology for their best possible health. She works with clients on real alternatives to conventional medicine including deep mindfulness/meditation practice. As a businesswoman, Lane considers herself a serial entrepreneur and enjoys coaching entrepreneurs with her thorough understanding of stress and building businesses.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Lane Kennedy.

  • Lane shares her backstory on how she’s gotten to a place of deep listening and healing.

  • What happened when Lane’s body began to break down after quitting drinking.

  • The difference between data and intuition and how it affect Lane’s life.

  • How Lane came to her journey of deep listening.

  • Using meditation in a different way by using the breath and going deeper.

  • Lane shares how the meditation practice allowed her body to speak to her.

  • Hemp oil and how it changed Lane’s life, by alleviating pain from her “dental chair accident.”

  • Listening to her Inner Voice tell her it was okay to try this hemp oil helped change everything.

  • Writing and a strong circle of women is how Lane is always questioning her stories, versus succumbing to them.

  • Lane questioned her Inner Voice when she was involved in a startup because a great deal of money was involved.

  • The ladies discuss Dave Asprey, biohacking and bulletproof coffee and how listening to what your body says is more important than what an influencer may say.

  • Your body will tell you what it wants you to give it and what it needs to nourish.

  • Kelly discusses her sensitivity to gluten.

  • How Lane balances loving herself right now where she is, understanding her worthiness versus always wanting to be better.

  • It’s hard, but you must know what YOU need in order to feel whole and happy.

  • Lane shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Lane’s Voice:

“I feel like my intuition is super strong. I’ve tapped into that. It’s always been there. I either ignore it or I don’t. And what the data does - it’s a tool. It’s simply a tool that I use to reflect on.”

“I learned how to meditate in a different way by using my breath and by going deeper within. It shifted my perspective on how I saw the world and how I saw the data and how I had conversations with doctors and people in my life.”

“When I was on the [meditation] pillow or sitting, my body was calm and quiet. And my symptoms were calm and quiet.”

“With chronic pain, there’s a depression that comes. You’re sleep-deprived. And there’s a disconnection that happens between me and my inner voice because I just wasn’t present."

“There’s a difference between that voice saying it’s time to leave and the voice that said you’ve got this, you’re the boss! But I wanted to believe that the “you’ve got this, you’re the boss” voice because I was getting paid. I was getting the accolades. It looked good. Sometimes it’s hard to listen to the voice when it’s not gonna look the way you want it to in the moment.”

“Listening to that inner voice of you don’t have to do what everybody else is doing. It’s been a huge change for me.”

“It’s a priority to put my self-care and that self heart and love into me so that I can give back and be present and helpful and be of service to others.”

Connect with Lane:

Lane’s Website

Lane’s “In Her Voice” Freebies




Defining Beauty and Confidence on Your Terms with Mary Hyatt

Mary Hyatt is on a quest to feel alive and to live a life full of gratitude, joy, authenticity, and abundance in body, mind and soul. Mary believes that every person has the ability to embrace a life and body they love. Mary is the creator of Babe, Redefined a 6 week online course to help women make peace with the mirror, quiet their inner bully and love their body.

Mary lives in the heart of Nashville and her days are spent juggling the rolls of holistic lifestyle advocate as a Presidential Diamond wellness advocate with doTERRA essential oils, and personal life and business coach. She helps her clients wake up, find their voice and become fully alive.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Mary and asks her to describe how she came to know she was worthy, as she is right now.

  • Mary shares the story of where she was 6 or 7 years ago, and how she got to where she is now.

  • Mary helps women find the 2.0 version of themselves.

  • Many of us shut our emotions off when we don’t like ourselves, Mary shares how she began to feel again.

  • Tara Brach

  • One of the reasons we avoid our feelings so much is because we believe they are going to overtake us.

  • Book: Intuitive Eating - And, how it changed how Mary fed her body.

  • Getting curious about her feelings, is how Mary began to change her mind and body.

  • Acknowledge how you feel and then use it as data.

  • Feelings as vibrations of the body, they’re not who you are.

  • Dave Asprey and Peter Sage

  • Mary hated her body so much that in order to start loving herself, she had to show gratitude for her body. This all started in a yoga class, Mary shares the full story in this episode!

  • Babe, Redefined is the name of Mary’s course - she shares why she chose the word “babe” which can be a triggering word.

  • The state of freedom women experience when they release the fear they’ve been living with.

  • What “babe” means to Mary.

  • Mary shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Mary’s Voice:

“I think most women start playing this role that we have been handed by society, our family, our spouses, our friends. And it’s this role of playing the good girl where we are quiet, respectful. We believe we need to be small, be little because we don’t have the sense of self-worth.”

“I gave myself permission to feel my emotions - it felt very risky. It felt like this may turn out to where I can’t bring myself to go back. And what I needed to do is little by little give myself permission to identify those feelings.”

“I think sometimes we are afraid to feel our emotions because we believe that if we feel certain emotions, that becomes who we are.”

“When you touch the parts of your body that you’ve totally abused and berated and you ask for forgiveness, all of a sudden you can come to peace with something that you thought was your enemy and enter into a state of acceptance and love.”

“You will have a smile on your face. You will feel like you are glowing. And you will feel a sense of confidence, bravery, courage, resiliency, and just that true, fierce femininity, when you begin feeling your emotions.”

Connect with Mary:

Mary’s Website

Babe, Redefined



Jana Roemer on Awakening with Yoga Nidra

With roots in Canada, after 20 years of travel and study with respected teachers and a decade in the role of teacher, Jana Roemer’s home is in Venice, CA where she leads classes and new moon circles at Love Yoga Space. Jana has run over a dozen 200 hour yoga teacher trainings, a 300 hour YTT, multiple Yoga Nidra trainings and retreats all over the globe. You can find her on Insight Timer, Elephant Journal, the Revealing the Diamond podcast and have been written up about on Well + Good about Yoga Nidra, New Moon Circles and breath to relieve stress. My website has all current trainings, retreats, public classes and monthly online Astro Nidras!

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Jana Roemer.
  • Jana explains what a midwife of awakening is.
  • We experience many rebirths throughout our lives.
  • We resist change and transformation because we think it is a bad thing. Jana teaches us otherwise.
  • Yoga Nidra is the practice of surrender.
  • The altered state of Yoga Nidra.
  • Jana describes what occurs when your body is in alpha or theta.
  • By changing our subconscious patterns we can change our reactions to real-life things.
  • When doing Yoga Nidra it doesn’t actually matter if you fall asleep, because you’re working with the subconscious.
  • Yoga Nidra changes over time like meditation does.
  • Why lying down in Yoga Nidra allows you to surrender and gain access to all the of the information of your subconscious.
  • The fast track to awakening.
  • The Five bodies
  • Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
  • Insight Timer App
  • Jana’s Offerings
  • Jana's free gift of her Aries Season 2018 Yoga Nidra
  • Jana shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Jana’s Voice:

“I gave birth to my son. In the process of doing that I gave birth to myself all over again.”

“Any right of passage is a rebirth.”

“I think we have to look at our own transformation with a willingness to feel whatever is coming up in the moment that it's coming up.”

“Emotions are just cleansing mechanisms so that you can come through to something more blissful.”

“By creating these patterns through this surrendered state then in your waking life all of a sudden your endocrine system is taking over and before you have a chance to think about it and be resentful and let your ego get in the way and create a story, you're already getting fed a cocktail of chemicals that says, "Just forgive them.”

“When you're surrendering or when you lay down for yoga nidra, you're actually learning how to gain access to all of that additional information or to go in and mine information from the storage house that you're collecting in.”

“When you spend time laying down in the practice of yoga nidra you're not doing nothing actually. You're waking up to an infinite knowing.”

“That's where you meet yourself in the practice because everything else is just a layer of illusion or distraction away from that pure consciousness. That's bliss.”

Connect with Jana:

Jana’s Website






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The Science of Personal Development with Mary Shores

Mary Shore’s roller coaster life began with being abandoned at a young age and tragically losing her first child. But Mary was able to overcome life’s hurdles and turn tragedy to triumph by building an 8 figure business empire at age 24.

Mary is an expert in personal development but is not a life coach; she’s a businesswoman who discovered a road map of how to get in control of your life. She truly walks her talk by generating pragmatic solutions for people who are freaking out. Mary blends personal experience with her extensive knowledge of neuroscience and human behavior to guide businesses and individuals to defeat the freak-out and create their ideal life.

She’s a Shark Tank style CEO who cuts through the chaos so you can change your mind, your choices, and your life.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Mary Shores.

  • Mary shares where her connection with personal development began.

  • How our we can self-sabotage ourselves.

  • Infinite Possibilities

  • How to connect our subconscious with the desirable outcome.

  • Positive thoughts plant positive seeds, and negative thoughts plant the negative seeds.

  • Unraveling your entire life is unnecessary in order to move forward.

  • Kelly and Mary discuss how having son’s on the spectrum have taught them so much as women and moms.

  • Belief systems and how you can overcome them.

  • Mary reads an excerpt from her book, Conscious Communications.

  • How to uncover your path of purpose.

  • Cleanse or Clogs

  • Mary does not believe in perfectionism, she believes in an 80/20 life.

  • Mary is an extremely powerful manifester.

  • Kelly and Mary discuss how the science part comes into personal development and manifesting.

  • Mary shares how she was able to overcome all of the trauma in her life.

  • If you choose a different “door” your life can head in a million different directions.

  • Mary shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Mary’s Voice:

“Science and spirituality are really one and the same but they are using two different languages to explain the happenings.”

“I always say that if you take a step to a new direction, then the universe, God, or whatever you believe will come in and meet you halfway.”

“You don’t have to unravel every moment of your life in order to move forward. But what you can do as the workaround, is to start the new neural pathway.”

“What I’ve discovered is that your purpose is whatever your natural skills and gifts, talents and abilities are. It’s really the rest of the world that’s tried to convince you they’re something different.”

“Everything you say, every thing you do, every word that comes out of your mouth, every choice you make, every action you take; in the thinnest sliced moment of life is either creating that deeper connection to what you want or it’s driving a disconnection.”

“True transformation happens in small pivots over time.”

“Every time that we make that choice that takes us closer to where we want to be, that’s reinforcing that neural pathway.”

Connect with Mary:

Mary’s Website

Mary’s Book




Visionary Spotlight: Heather Thorkelson

Heather Thorkelson is a coach who works with entrepreneurs to grow their impact and visibility while growing their bottom line. She has been location independent for 7 years and runs her businesses from all over the world, including, on occasion, Antarctica. Heather is the founder of the Republic of Freedom, a digital collective aimed at helping people live better outside the Matrix, and the owner of Twin Tracks Expeditions, a polar expedition company.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Heather and asks her to share what visionary means to her.

  • Heather shares what her favorite part of herself is.

  • The ladies discuss how Heather has connected with her instincts, which was significantly impacted by Heather’s upbringing.

  • At the age of 17, Heather had experienced what some people at that age cannot even fathom.

  • The psychological requirements that put you in a good headspace.

  • Heather shares her non-negotiable forms of self-care are.

  • Asking for help is difficult for a lot of women, but especially so for Heather. Heather shares why.

  • Heather’s first step in asking for help, began when she stopped being so dismissive of her husband trying to help her.

  • Essentialism by Greg McCallen

  • The busy work that is outside your zone of genius as an entrepreneur is an excellent form of procrastination.

  • Freedom and its importance in Heather’s life.

  • Heather shares how she keeps herself from falling prey to societal standards.

  • How to start breaking free of the matrix, as Heather likes to call it.

  • Heather shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Heather’s Voice:

“I think a visionary is someone who both leads by example and also someone who is willing to look for the possibility in everything rather than just staying within the box, or as I like to call it “stay within the matrix.”


“I do things that people tell me can’t be done, and I don’t care. I trust my instincts. They haven’t led me astray yet, not wildly anyways.”

“What are the basic psychological requirements that put you in a good head space so that you can serve others from there.”

“My whole 30s have been an unfolding and learning how to listen to myself.”

“I had dumbed down so many of my senses that I realized when I started to relax on myself that colors started to seem more vibrant and what not.”

“Freedom to me, in the context of who I am in the society that I live in, is the ability to make choices I need to make in order to thrive in this life.”

“Anybody can do something extraordinary. It just takes seeing that possibility.”

Connect with Heather:

Heather’s Website

Republic of Freedom



Twin Tracks Expeditions

Creating a Personal Mission Statement with Anna Lundberg

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Anna Lundberg is a success coach and business strategist who helps people create businesses and build a lifestyle that allows them an unimagined sense of freedom, flexibility and fulfillment. She works individually with a select number of clients to help them reimagine success in their personal and professional lives and runs a group program that helps people take their ‘One Step Outside the 9 to 5’.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Anna, and asks Anna to share how she came to be a coach and how she learned what her mission was.

  • Kelly shares a story about her family’s mission statement.

  • Part of being successful is taking risks, but these don’t have to be crazy risks, simply stepping outside your comfort zone is enough.

  • Kelly shares the quote, “Your comfort zone is rarely comfortable.”

  • There’s a pain or a feeling of discomfort when you refuse to step outside your comfort zone.

  • Anna shares how she starts the process of creating her mission statement.

  • Man's Search for Meaning- by Viktor E. Frankl

  • Defining the meaning or purpose in our life is up to us, and it’s important because we often get so caught up in other’s definitions.

  • Anna provides tips and exercises that can help cut down on the overwhelm of finding the value / meaning of your life.

  • The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying - by Bronnie Ware

  • The Future Self Exercise

  • Timeline of Your Life Exercise

  • You do your best work when you are working on something that you’re good at and enjoy.

  • The Guiding Star Exercise

  • Kelly shares how she feels freer and more connected with herself  as she gets older.

  • Anna shares the elements of her Guiding Star.

  • Kelly asks Anna to share what her Inner Voice is asking her to do.

In Anna’s Voice:

“I feel like I’ve reached a lovely balance of using my experience in ways that I really enjoy, but also having more freedom to explore these new areas to help people in these areas.”

“Even though we talk about risk when you have your own business, it doesn’t mean that we’re taking all these crazy risks. It’s accepting that there’s a level of uncertainty because we can never know. But us being okay with it, being okay with being a little bit uncomfortable.”

“Some people find it quite overwhelming to define your purpose - it feels very big. It’s like you’re trying to find the meaning of life. And that can be quite scary and uncomfortable actually.”

“It’s up to you to define what that aim or purpose is. And I think the reason why it’s so important is because we get caught up in other people’s definitions.”

“Your mission statement is a beautifully crafted sentence or it’s some kind of visual tool like a vision board or some other format.”

“Looking back at your past experiences, looking at how you feel now, and looking into the future can be a great way to identify what you need more of and perhaps what you need less of as well.”

Connect with Anna:

Anna’s Website

Guiding Star Exercise

Facebook Group


