The Beauty of Boundaries with Brigid Dineen

Brigid Dineen is a Resilience Coach for Women on a Mission. Through her one-on-one coaching, online courses, workshops, she helps women learn how to say no without feeling guilty so they can reclaim their time, energy and peace of mind. Brigid believes in a world where wellbeing comes first. She draws from her extensive background in yoga, meditation, coaching and fitness to help her clients embrace self-care and cultivate healthy boundaries so life can feel as good as it looks.  Brigid is also the host of the podcast Guts & Grace: How to Create Space for YourSELF in a World That Would Rather You'd Stay Small.

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kelly introduces Brigid Dineen.

  • Brigid shares why and how boundaries became the thing she is most passionate about.

  • The slow awakening of women putting themselves on their own priority list.

  • We can be dissatisfied and we can complain -- dissatisfaction is what leads in the direction of our desires, but complaining typically means we’re not taking any action to fix that dissatisfaction.

  • Any time you go after a desire you must have create boundaries around that desire.

  • Brigid shares how calling off her first engagement began the process of learning how to set boundaries in her life.

  • Women have a heart of service, so they feel selfish when they try to do things for themselves. Kelly and Brigid discuss how to break down this wall.

  • Kelly shares a very important PSA.

  • If you’re going to make yourself a priority, you need to start with baby steps - Brigid shares how to start.

  • You must consider your starting point. Your baby steps may look different than the woman’s next to you.

  • Brigid describes what setting a real and healthy boundary looks like.

  • When making decisions for yourself you must listen to your Inner Voice. Try the decision on and sense how it feels.

  • Brigid shares the quote, "Make the little decisions with your head, and the big ones with your heart."

  • Making choices, and pursuing goals from a purely logic based place versus actually listening to your deeper desires.

  • Brigid shares a story of essentially turning down an amazing opportunity because of what she thought was guilt.

  • Brigid’s practice of tuning into her desires.

  • Physical activity can help you connect to your desires faster.

  • Giving yourself permission to make mistakes and to possibly fail.

  • Brigid shares what her Inner Voice is asking of her.

In Brigid’s Voice:

“The key to boundaries is being able to distinguish what is our responsibility versus someone else's responsibility. Not trying to micromanage somebody else's reaction to our desires for instance.”

“Over the years, there has been a slow awakening about what life can look like when we decide to put ourselves on the priority list, and actually stand in our power."

“Whether you're a mother, a partner, or even in the workplace very often there can be some gendered implications for what types of roles women play.”

“I am worthy of shifting a dynamic in my relationship.”

“Tapping into my own desires, insisting on pursuing things that resonated with me, and using my own resources to do it was the thing that made it so that I moved on from my ex.”

“Once you start taking baby steps, then the path will reveal itself. You don't need to have it all figured out. You don't need to blow up your life.”

“If your calendar is not your own, if your resources don't feel like they're available to you, for things that matter to you, then it's worth taking a closer look at what areas in your life you might be able to take some baby steps there.”

“If I could trust that everybody was going to support me, and nothing would blow up, what would I really want to do?"

“The more that people do physical activity, the more they just inherently take better care of themselves in other parts of their lives as well.”

“Making mistakes can feel painful, but it's absolutely essential if we're going to get to the fulfillment that we so deeply desire in our lives.”

Connect with Brigid:

Brigid’s Website

Brigid’s Podcast

Lighten Your Load (Free PDF download)

