Kimberly Lovell on Money as Our Teacher

Kimberley Lovell is a Transformational Coach, Trainer & Holistic Business Mentor with a 30 year background in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Healing, Coaching and Training.

An International Medium, Medical Intuitive Healer, Cert Science and Master Theta Healing® Practitioner and Instructor and Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator.  Kimberley is a highly gifted intuitive and rapid mindset coach.

The founder of The Wealthy Business Goddess Show™ and the Wealthy Business Goddess University.™ Kimberley's mission is to transform world consciousness, heal the unconscious split between money and spirituality by inspiring, and empowering others to live a life of purpose, passion and prosperity, thereby creating a heaven on earth for all. Kimberley works with purpose driven entrepreneurs; Healers, Therapists, Coaches, Consultants, Trainers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs, worldwide to help them step more purposefully into their leadership and spiritual mission to manifest the life and business of their dreams while transforming the world and making fabulous money.  

Here are a few of the big topics we talked about:

  • Kimberly explains what she means when she says that money is our greatest teacher

  • Our beliefs in money and the huge role they play in our lives

  • Our negative money beliefs tend to crop up when our income goes up or down from where we are comfortable.

  • Kimberly shares how we can begin changing our money beliefs.

  • The Sacred Money Archetypes and how they were created.

  • The Connector Archetype

  • Kimberly shares some of her archetypes and how she has overcome them, and used them to her advantage.

  • You must follow your inner voice, but you must also do the work.

  • Being an energetic match with the vibration for whatever it is you desire.

  • Realist and Idealist

  • Kimberly discusses some of Kelly’s archetypes

  • Coaches and entrepreneurs we need to hold our clients as powerful and not buying into their stories.

  • Energy Healing Downloads

  • Kimberly shares what her inner voice is telling her.

In Kimberly's Voice:

“It's like we're movie writers. The movie of our life is the current story that's playing out.”

“There's this vision of what we would like to create and manifest in the world, and then there’s what's actually showing up.”

“How we do money is how we do everything.”

“We're more than our stories, and more than our beliefs, more than our feelings.”

“Lots of times we have oaths, and vows, and contracts around money. You may have taken a vow of poverty. The work that I do is about actually clearing the energy and clearing the belief.”

“It's safe for you to have abundance, to receive money, and to receive money for doing what you love to do. You don't have to work hard, you don't have to prove your worth.”

Connect with Kimberley:


Wealthy Business Goddess Podcast

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