Lisa Carpenter on Deep Trust, Commitment, & Integrity

Lisa Carpenter is the secret weapon for driven, ambitious, achievers who want to live, lead, and perform at their highest level. With nearly 20 years of coaching experience and an extensive background in nutrition and fitness, Lisa brings a unique combination of coaching to her clients helping them claim a relationship in their lives, businesses or bodies free of stress, struggle and frustration. She’s the creator of E.A.T!™ and Feelings & Food™, her signature online weight loss and mindset programs, and also the author of the best selling Amazon book Let’s E.A.T! Lisa is a loving wife and proud mother of three boys. She and her family live in Steveston, British Columbia.

Here are some of the big topics we talked about…

  • Of the many ways we numb out, the biggest one plaguing most of us is social media

  • Mindless scrolling means we don’t have to connect in with what’s going on in real life

  • Keep your head up from the screen and the feeling that you’re missing out on anything!

  • Things that make you feel alive - do those things, embrace your life!

  • Watch out for your excessive over-helping of others; it enables them to under-function

  • Numbing out the feelings that we don’t want to be with (being good enough, loved, belonging, security, anger, sadness) to cover up feelings of unworthiness

  • How Lisa came back from burnout to trusting herself to decide daily to work out or not

In Lisa’s Voice

Full frontal living is being 100% committed to showing up for yourself without using numbing or avoiding behaviors. It helps the women I work with step into next-level impact and influence because they have put their physical and emotional wellbeing as their #1 priority.”
You matter first in your own life.”
Numbing behaviors can look many different ways, from overeating to over-drinking, over-exercising, overworking, people-pleasing, controlling, approval-seeking, or caretaking.”
“Facebook no longer lives on my phone. I’ve put intentional time and boundaries around it. It’s not that I don’t have the time. I don’t want to make the time anymore for endless scrolling.”
“I was spending so much time taking care of everybody else and no time taking care of me.”
“For so many women, workouts are not about nourishing their body. It’s punishment for how they did or didn’t eat, or how they do or don’t look.”
“My number one priority is staying in integrity with myself around how I’m feeling.”
It’s a practice between knowing if we’re staying comfortable to stay comfortable, willing to get uncomfortable, and willing to tune into what you really need in the moment.”
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should!
“You build trust by checking in with yourself on a daily and weekly basis to see if you’re honoring how you’re feeling and staying in integrity with the things you’ve committed to.”
Rest is a life business strategy. When we do less better, we perform at a higher level.”

Connect with Lisa




Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming 5 Days of Journaling Challenge on Your Inspired Potential! It’s a great way to tap into that inner wisdom and trust your inner voice!!